An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
The Voice Of God On Earth
To The World
30-10-10 AJ
Just a quick message to keep up tradition and post before Halloween.
As you probably have read on my web site, to a Spiritist Halloween is like Thanksgiving to Spiritists. It’s a celebration of when our Ancestors came to Earth from The Old Worlds ages ago. Here’s a link to the info I give every year in case you missed it.
As usual as for in the news, scary stuff! It even gave me a nightmare the other night, which I even remembered! Anyway, I was shocked to see the story about The Pope agreeing to civil unions between same sex couples. I guess he doesn’t read his Bible very well, or as they say he’s just “kissing up” to try to get more followers. In any case it looks like Lord Peter, formerly known as Saint Peter is doing well with his mission as he pledged to bring down the Catholic church because of all the corruption and injustice that’s happened in it for years.
I’m hoping the polls are wrong in their reporting of President Trump’s popularity numbers. I’m still holding out for a miracle on Election Day and hope he gets his Four More Years! The fate of the world depends on it.
Just to help everybody get motivated to get out there and vote Republican, here’s the links to a couple of music videos I made for the last Presidential Election. Do excuse the mention of old Hillary! Hope they help bring in the good vibes to all concerned, and that you like them and will pass them on.
Anyway, I’m keeping everything crossed for a positive outcome on November 3rd. I won’t be posting here until after that date. Hope everybody stays safe and well. Vote!
Be sure to check out my blog, The Spiritual Connection, for my recent messages.
A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
430 Water St. Apt. 206
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 479-2473