And The Winner Is

An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
The Voice Of God On Earth
To The World

05-10-03 AJ
    Here again with more on the news.  First of all on a personal note, I will be having my first cataract surgery Monday on my left eye.  I have to go to the Bar Harbor hospital for this which will be a first for me. Never been there.  I’ve got my ride all scheduled.  Hope it goes well.  I know how most in The Afterlife, not only me are dependent on these eyes.  I want them working as well as possible.  Unfortunately I will still need reading glasses because I have astigmatism.  The doctor is getting in touch with someone who will be able to help me get new ones.  The thing I’m the most nervous about is after midnight Sunday I can’t have anything to eat, not even water to drink!  I get thirsty during the night. Last time I had to not drink water I thought I didn’t think I’d make it.  Oh well.  It’s gotta be done and wearing reading glasses better than going blind.  I get to wear an eye patch until the next day.  I told my counselor I get to be a pirate for a day.  Be glad when it’s over and hope it works.  Now on to what’s really going on out there.
    Well, the first big deal debate is finally over.  Romney won!   I didn’t watch, I watched the movie “Battleship” I got from Netflix.  It was great!  Now all we’ll hear about, I suppose, is this debate for awhile.  I just wish somebody else could win the election that makes more sense than these two so called candidates.  Not only are they unelectable, their negativity is disgusting!
    Someone else is in trouble for speaking out against Obama.  A person who works for the KitchenAid company tweeted a comment concerning Obama’s late grandmother which was quickly deleted however had been retweeted several times.  The company soon apologized on Twitter and needless to say the tweeter was immediately booted off their Twitter team.  Whatever happened to free speech?  Well I guess the comment didn’t do very good for their company, after all.    If it was on the person’s personal Twitter account it would’ve been o.k..
    So disappointing and disgusting is the fact that California has become the first state to ban therapy that tries to turn gay teens straight. but I suppose it’s to be expected. Gov. Jerry Brown announced this. He’s definitely not one of God’s favorite people.   As you probably know, Spirit teaches, homosexuality is a mental illness, not a choice.  The law goes into effect January 1st.  Yes this was done by the Democrats.  More power to The National Association For Research And Therapy Of Homosexuality, who fought against the bill and are trying to get a temporary injunction against the law.  Praise to them for listening to God!  It’s said other states have inquired about this law, especially an Assemblyman of New Jersey, yes, a Democrat, who is openly gay.  He plans to introduce the legislation to outlaw conversion therapy for minors in that state.  Looks like we’ve got a lot more fighting to do against these creatures of Darkness who are bound to stir up more trouble!
    Speaking of the creatures of Darkness I see that Rosie O’Donnell, who is now 50, has lost twelve pounds on a diet after she had a heart attack in August.  At least someone’s diet is working. 
    I have heard rumors from our friends Kevin & Bean at KROQ in LA that Tom Cruise is considering leaving Scientology.  I hope so, because as Gerald said it’s not even a real religion, it’s just something somebody made up to make money with. 
    So sad that some moron broke into the house of the grandfather of the youngest shooting victim at the Colorado theater and stole four cameras containing the last pictures of the little girl!  One of these had a memory card with more than forty of them on it.  I hope someone can recover these with the photos intact.  The grandfather is of course, heartbroken.
    Poor little guy!  A capuchin monkey named Mookie in Brevard County, Florida is under house arrest for biting a man on the shin who asked if he could pat him.  Apparently he didn’t even break the skin, fortunately.  What happened was when the man went to do this a car pulled into the yard and startled Mookie, that’s why he bit the man.  His  owner says he’s never bitten anyone before. However unfortunately he’s now being confined to his owner’s house for 30 days until it can be determined if he has rabies.  This wouldn’t be so bad, but it’s almost Mookie’s 20th birthday.  The beach party they had planned for his big day has been canceled.  Happy birthday anyway.  I hope they find out beforehand that he’s ok and then he can party on!
    What jerks there are out there!  Some thieves broke into a San Jose, California home, stole purses, electronics, bicycles and a six month old Yorkie-Shih tzu puppy named Meeker.  Friends of the family who owns the puppy have raised $6,000 reward for its return, and the little girl has even given her piggy bank money as part of this.  Come on people!  Give back the puppy, PLEASE!
    I like what the Georgia Republican lady puts at the end of her email I got the other day, “Committed To Victory”.  And thus am I, not for a political party, but for the world.
    Support The National Buyers’ Strike!  Save America, and, the world!
    Be sure to check out my blog “The Spiritual Connection” for my recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
That Is Now Resting In Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621

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