An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
The Voice Of God On Earth
To The World
14-09-06 AJ
Well, September has started off with a bang! God The Father and the Lords of all other positive faiths in The Afterlife give the highest praise to Kim Davis, the clerk in Kentucky who is standing with God and refusing to issue gay marriage licenses! She is upholding Christian beliefs. Many are rallying to her support. She was arrested and jailed but is now free again. She’s trying to get it so her name is taken off the licenses. Now her deputy clerk is issuing them instead. Though many laughed about this and said it was stupidity she did the right thing. Dare I think there’s still some hope for the future of this world? God needs many more brave people like Kim to help get this world back on the right track. Our prayers are with her.
Amazing but Donald Trump is still going strong in his presidential campaign. I love how he is somewhat taking over the race and no offense Republicans but I love how they’re just squirming, trying to find any way they can to stop him from running for president because he’s not conservative enough for the party. I still truly believe that God is with him and wants him to run. We need to get people thinking again about doing the right thing. Even though some of his comments are questionable, we need him. I loved the clip I saw which showed him taking the oath to stay with the Republican party! It was priceless, kind of like the pledge of allegiance. I just read that he seems to have it out for older women. Hey what about me? I’m a 64 year old widow whose late husband was running for president until he died in 2,012. I’m telling everyone that God wants him to be President. Wonder what he’d say to that? Actually I sent him a Tweet about it. We’ll see if he responds.
Good luck to the two female activists in Paris who last Saturday stormed the stage to the podium at a Muslim conference during a talk by two religious fundamentalist preachers concerning the question if wives should be beaten or not. They had written on their torsos “Nobody Makes Me Submit” and “I am my own prophet.” The fundamentalists men on the stage turned their backs as the ladies did some fist pumping and grabbed the microphone. They were ushered off the stage by security. There’s a viral video of this. It appears one of the women was kicked and punched once she was off the stage. I hope they’re ok and more power to them! They belong to an activist group called FEMEN. No good and honest wife deserves domestic violence.
On the home front, I’m still going strong with the Book editing and the Here’s Jesus Videos site too. Saturday I finally finished putting the episodes from April, 2,007 up ad free on my web site for everyone to enjoy with audio embedded on the pages with the text versions. You can check them out here.
Support The National Buyers’ Strike! Save America, and, the world!
Be sure to check out my blog, The Spiritual Connection, for my recent messages.
A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 812-1621