An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
The Voice Of God On Earth
To The World
01-09-04 AJ
Back after the long Labor Day Weekend. It was the same old, same old here, but a good one. I received another remove from my email list request. It’s below, however I just don’t understand it. Everyone who has received our messages for a few years knows it’s not up to me who won’t be allowed to enter The Kingdom Of God. I’m just God’s messenger. And as I’ve stated before, why does someone write to be removed when they know they’ll be banned from Heaven in doing so? DUH! Anyway, here’s the latest request.
Ms. Polley,
I’m unsure how you received my email address, but for about a year or two I have newsletters from either you or your late husband. I rarely have time to look at them, but when I do I appreciate some of the things you write.
But after reading the recent message to your readers that the last person who requested to be removed from your mailing list will not be allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven, I am frankly disturbed by your process of thought.
Please immediately remove me from your newsletter list.”
I wrote back and asked the man if he’s serious, and said my blog will be online if he doesn’t want the emails. However he knows the consequences. He never replied so I guess he’s serious and has definitely been removed. God continues to lose more of his precious children. I’m doing my best to help them. Some people just don’t want to listen. I have learned he apparently doesn’t work for the Daily Siftings Herald, 205 S. 26th St. Arkadelphia, AR 71923 any more. I can’t find his name on the web site though it says he’s been one of their head reporters. If this is true maybe that lets them off the hook and he’s the only one who will be banned. Only God knows for sure.
What an unspeakable horror in Syria with the chemical weapons attack! I’m glad Obama didn’t just say we would do this and that to retaliate but is asking the opinions and advice of congress. I’m sure something will be done soon to help protect the innocent in Syria. I just pray no one starts sending chemical weapons our way. Later I read that a newspaper in Syria is calling Obama’s move a retreat. That’s what they think. Just wait people!
I see that Nelson Mandela is being sent to his home in Johannesburg from the hospital. However he is still in critical condition, and his home has been modified so he will be getting the same intensive care he had in the hospital. He has been hospitalized since June 8th for a recurring lung infection. He will definitely be treasured and cared for as long as he is with us, as it should be.
Some folks in Sudlerville, Maryland got a nasty surprise last Thursday night! The Air National Guard was having practice runs in that area and a jet accidently dropped a practice bomb on the parking lot of a Queen Anne’s Restaurant! Customers at Darlene’s Tavern nearby were inside playing shuffle board then next thing they knew BOOM! The bomb didn’t actually explode but it certainly made a hole in the parking lot and rested there until it could be safely removed. There had been some kind of equipment malfunction in the plane. Fortunately the Guard practices in outlying areas and no one got hurt. The bar is located in the middle of a soybean field. The plane is under investigation. Now the bar owners are going to be selling t shirts that say “We got bombed!” on them. It’s one of the most exciting things that’s happened in that town ever. It’s a good thing they’ve got a good sense of humor about it all. It may have even helped their economy!
I begrudgingly watched the VMAs the other night mainly because our friend Kevin from the Kevin & Bean Show at KROQ, LA, was there for it as well as Ralph Garman the entertainment industry guy, and other staff members. I was thoroughly enjoying this one until a few of the singers started speaking out promoting the gay agenda. I didn’t feel that was the time or place for something like that. THEN the worst, demon Miley Cyrus’ disgusting performance of her latest song. It was supposed to be sexy however I say disgusting is putting it mildly! They shouldn’t have even allowed it on tv where teenagers could see it. Even worse her father was in the front row seats and someone actually covered up his eyes so he wouldn’t see some segments of her act! They’re saying now she’s more popular than ever. I say epic fail! The inventor of the foam finger is even complaining that it was used wrongly even though the one she used had been modified. If you missed this if you want you can find the videos online. But be warned, it is definitely gross! I wondered if she dyed her tongue to match her outfit. I don’t know where both she and Justin Bieber will end up in the music business, but wherever it’s not going to be pretty.
Condolences to the friends and family of Sir David Frost who died of a heart attack aboard The Queen Elizabeth cruise ship where he was due to give a speech. He was 74. He was a veteran broadcaster and had interviewed Richard Nixon and of course John Lennon. I hope he got to The Afterlife ok and was welcomed by John and the others he had worked with. A life well lived indeed! Here’s the link to part one of his interview with John & Yoko back in 1969. You can find the link to part two on that page.
Support The National Buyers’ Strike! Save America, and, the world!
Be sure to check out my blog, The Spiritual Connection, for my recent messages.
A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 812-1621