Bye Bye Benedict!

An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
The Voice Of God On Earth
To The World

12-02-04  AJ

    Back after winter storm Nemo found us here in Maine. What a storm it was!  I have posted three pictures on Twitpic of what the aftermath looked like on Sunday.  Here’s the link to these.

    If you want you can also check out all the other pics there I’ve uploaded over the years.
    I couldn’t resist watching The Grammy Awards show Sunday night with host LL Cool J who’s on my favorite t.v. show “NCIS Los Angeles.”  It was freakin’ awesome!  I highly recommend if you missed it to check out any videos on You Tube of this amazing awards show.  Several of my favorite bands I hear on The Kevin & Bean Show, KROQ, LA were nominated and won!  It was a great night!  Congratulations to all the winners.  I was shocked when several people, including KROQ employees tweeted they were turning the channel to watch “The Walking Dead” on AMC.   It MUST be a great show for that. I’m going to check it out on Amazon Prime Videos later.
   Now, what a bombshell in the news when I clicked on my browser Monday morning!  God’s victory is  astounding!  Pope Benedict XVI is resigning!  Sorry to hear it’s because of health concerns, but let’s just say he brought it on himself.  If he had done things the way God wanted I’m sure he would’ve been much better off.  He’s the first Pope to resign in almost 600 years!  They will have a replacement by the end of March.  I don’t have much hope for a better one.  The way The Church does things is just so corrupt.  In The Afterlife Pope John Paul II is certainly doing the job he wanted, of bringing down The Catholic Church for God. 
    Condolences to the families and friends of the three people killed in the helicopter crash in Acton, Los Angeles county California.  They were filming a military themed show for The Discovery Channel.  This is in the same area where a film crew member died in September while filming Johnny Depp’s “The Lone Ranger” movie.  It’s also where actor Vic Morrow and two children were killed by a helicopter crash in 1982 during the filming of the “Twilight Zone” movie.  Kind of makes you wonder if the place is cursed, though seeing the rough terrain there, it being a movie ranch and all, you can kind of see how stuff like this could naturally happen.  Then I thought that’s near Los Angeles.  I wonder if that murderer they’re still looking for is hiding out up there?  Hopefully someone with the police department has wondered that too and they will check it out.
    I see civil unions have passed in the Colorado Democratic run senate. A no brainer there! That state fell out of favor with God anyway because of their feelings toward the homosexual issue.  Next step their House, but I have a feeling it’ll pass there too with flying colors so to speak.
    Also I read that the Pentagon has extended benefits to same sex couples.  It appears this whole world is rapidly going down the tubes.  I pray I’m wrong.
    Amanda Knox, who was acquitted of murder in 2,011, will be giving her first television interview on ABC News in April.  She’s not being paid for this and it coincides with the release of her book, “Waiting To Be Heard.”  I don’t like this.  Gerald always thought that she and her boyfriend were guilty and he was usually right about these things.  I agree.  I’d be interested in reading her book just to see what she has to say.  But I wouldn’t buy it.
    For some reason this doesn’t sound good to me.  PepsiCo is introducing a new Mountain Dew breakfast drink.  It’s orange citrus in flavor and has less caffeine than other energy drinks.  It’s called Kickstart and will be for sale this month.  It tastes like Mountain Dew however it’s made with 5% juice. It also has vitamins B and C.  Ew!  Oh, well, yet another reason I’m boycotting their company.  The first of course being that they are members of The Gay And Lesbian Chamber Of Commerce.  They’re on our boycott list.  Here’s the link to the details.

    There’s so much bad news out there I almost didn’t want to write this message. However, like the old saying goes, I will do like Gerald did, report the news no matter what.  So here I am!  See you here next time.
    Support The National Buyers’ Strike! Save America and, the world!
    Be sure to check out my blog, The Spiritual Connection, for my recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621

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