An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
The Voice Of God On Earth
To The World
31-05-08 AJ
Whew! This month went by too fast! What a month it has been. However the first thing I’ll report is that Those in the Afterlife are very proud of President Donald J. Trump concerning his recent and first overseas visit. A few of my friends on line were very worried that he would be tweeting or saying something wrong to people he met with there and causing a lot of havoc. Nope! Didn’t happen and in our opinion it was a success. Hope this showed the Democrats things are going better than they thought!
Speaking of Democrats, sore loser Hillary Clinton is now claiming one of the reasons she wasn’t elected president is because of all the hoaxes and fake news stories on Facebook, of all things! Whatever, Facebook however is trying to stop the spreading of fake news stories on its site.
How horrible the terrorist attack in Birmingham, England recently! Thank goodness the idiot who carried it out is dead. These insane suicide bombers have to be stopped somehow! This time an eight year old girl was killed among the 22 victims. Why do the children have to die?
In entertainment news how stupid was the gory picture of comedian Kathy Griffin holding a fake President Trump’s bloody severed head? I have never cared for her now this severs any tiny bit of interest I’ve ever had in her. Apparently it does CNN too as they dropped her from any programming, also other companies she’s worked for have given her the boot. She’s also lost one of her sponsors. You have totally crossed the line lady, and as President Trump used to say on his former tv show ‘You’re fired!” She has apologized for it but fortunately it has done no good. Also President Trump reports that picture has really disturbed his children. No need of it at all! If this was a publicity stunt lady it has most definitely backfired! You’re history! Outta here!
Also The Afterlife gives Their praises to those who produced the new “Wonder Woman” movie. I haven’t been able to see it without transportation, but apparently it’s awesome. They love positive entertainment that will help women be brave, be themselves and stand up for good. Though of course nothing can ever beat the original Wonder Woman tv series starring Lynda Carter who is still going strong and looking great!
Lastly, on the home front, slowly but surely working on the illustrations for The History Of Spiritism. And now I’m pleased to report I have some more people helping me with stuff. I have a new case worker, this time it’s a young man, but it’s ok as long as he does a good job, and a young lady who is with the counseling center that can help my case worker out and gives a couple neighbors and I rides every week to free dinners, and such. I guess you’d call them The Polley Power Team Part 2. I feel very blessed to have them. Also pleased to have a brand new pink walker. I am also still doing exercises at the senior center. I’m so glad the physical therapist brought me there to learn about it, and I’m able to join. I have made several new friends. No matter what I still can’t forget my life’s Work, the mission I have pledged to finish somehow. So for now, though I’m short on funds, praise The Lords, life is good!
I can’t get by without mentioning June 2nd is my 45th wedding anniversary! Thank you Gerald for all you’ve done for me and tried to do for the world. I miss you.
Be sure to check out my blog, The Spiritual Connection, for my recent messages.
A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
430 Water St. Apt. 206
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 479-2473