An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
The Voice Of God On Earth
To The World
08-10-04 AJ
Figured I’d better get here with a news update. The whole world seems like it’s literally falling apart! The government shutdown, various crimes going on everywhere, freaky weather… the list goes on and on. I just wish those damn Democrats in Washington DC would grow up!
On the home front, looks like everybody’s going to hell in a handbasket as the old saying goes. With my last message I received the seven returns with this ominous message below. God is NOT happy!
Remote host said: 550 Blocked – see [RCPT_TO]
My mailing list Gerald so painstakingly put together years ago is now dramatically shrinking as I try to keep things going here. I don’t know if it’s because I use Yahoo mail when I send my messages or what. I visited the site mentioned above and I’m damned glad I don’t use this service. I’m going to try using my new account that goes with my domain name to send from from now on and see if that helps things get through to the media. If not the 7 addresses I got returns from will be removed from my lists. Hope it gets through and will be on safe sender lists.
Once again my praise and thanks to John Lennon for all the work he’s done to try to save the world. I wanted to get this in as his 73rd birthday is October 9th. I’m so glad he’s still working with me even though it’s very rare I channel any new music from him now. Just knowing Heaven’s Hero, The Apostle Of Religious Assignments, is still by my side keeping me safe and keeping my spirits up keeps my courage up and the Work much easier, as does George Harrison. I still see him and speak with John every day and when I play music here he gets John Lennon And Friends together to sing and play along. Now sometimes I see Gerald singing with them. Thank God and The Lords for all the heroes.
Now, on to what’s going on out there. The government shut down continues. The House and Speaker Boehner know everyone can’t afford health insurance. They’re trying to help the people. All Obama says when they want to negotiate with him about it is “Obamacare is the law now! Get over it!” Just like a spoiled brat his attitude is “I’ve got my way and nobody is going to change my mind!” Like they say on a frequent Kevin & Bean Show segment, How does the story end? I feel so bad for people not working. At least the House voted to get government workers working again and give them back pay for when they weren’t.
The dark ones are at it again! The Taliban are vowing to attack Malala Yousafzai, the little girl who they shot in the head at point blank range last year in Pakistan. They say this is not because she’s spreading education for girls in her area, but because “she attacked Islam,” and they claim she’s “making jokes on Islam.” I say they’ll have a very difficult time doing this as she is well protected by God’s Forces who are in that area.
Recently at the California Republican convention someone had anti Hillary buttons out and she hasn’t even said she’s running for president in 2,016 yet! They were apparently intended to recruit Republican women. They read “KFC Hillary Special 2 Fat Thighs 2 Small Breasts…Left wing” and “I still hate Commies…even after they changed their name to Liberals.” As you can see as the article I read reported I don’t think this tactic worked very well. At least they’re telling it like it is concerning Hillary! I have just read that Hillary has announced she’s not running for President in 2,016. As I’ve mentioned before, I wouldn’t be surprised if she did after all, because if I remember correctly she ran for president in 2,008 after she claimed she wouldn’t.
Looks like there may be another Royal Wedding in the news as reports say Prince Harry may marry his girlfriend then. Hope it works out.
A Massachusetts court has just issued an arrest warrant for state charges against surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect according to The Huffington Post. He remains in custody after pleading not guilty to federal charges. Prosecutors there wanted the new warrant so they’ll be able to pursue murder and other state charges. You go, people! Apparently he was supposed to be arraigned Monday, however his federal case hasn’t been completed yet. I don’t understand how anyone could believe he’s innocent! Yet another waste of oxygen. Such a shame, and he’s such a handsome young man. Well, I’m sure justice will be done. I think he should get the death penalty. That’s what you get for working with the creatures of Darkness.
Well the Michael Jackson trial is finally over. They apparently said the people his doctor worked for didn’t do anything wrong when they got him to go work with Michael. That he was legit and had no negative reports on his resume. I’m sure Michael is pleased with this even though it means his family’s opinion is wrong on the matter.
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Be sure to check out my blog, The Spiritual Connection, for my recent messages.
A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 812-1621