An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
The Voice Of God On Earth
To The World
30-06-11 AJ
Hi everybody, just wanted to post a quick note for this month.
Not that much to write about but I’ll give it a try. First of all condolences to the the victims, friends and families of the terrible twelve story apartment building collapse in Florida. I hope the authorities find out the facts about why the building collapsed and justice is done to whoever possibly ignored the safety updates of this place. After I saw the news report of this I immediately had awful flashbacks of the 9/11 news reports. Prayers to all the workers trying to find the residents dead or alive in the building. Thank you for everything you do.
The only other event that has been reported here drawing my attention is the release of comedian Bill Cosby from jail, after he was accused of drugging and raping several women during his acting career. All I can say is, I feel upset for the true victims, but I’m somewhat happy for his release. I guess they reported he is free because of a mistrial or such. I personally don’t think this was meant to be a slap in the face of all the victims or that the law is ignoring those who have gone through such a horrendous violation. I honestly think that there was something that legally went wrong. I hope things go as best they can for him, and prayers for the rest. I also hope the legal system can improve concerning justice for women who have suffered these horrible violations to their bodies and minds, As in all things justice must be done!
On a personal note, July 14th I will be 70 years old! I’m sure it’ll be just a normal day around here, nothing special happening. I’m just thrilled to have been around this long. My mom and dad only lived to be in their 50s and 60s. So I was kind of worried when I got to be their age. But look ma, I did it as they used to say! I hope I’ll be around til 100 at least! I’m doing my best to make it so!
Before I completely forget I have at last finished publishing all the back issues of Voices From Spirit Magazine I can find on our web site as was Gerald’s dream that I do so. I finished them before our anniversary on June 2nd. Thought it was the perfect gift. Click on the link below to check out them all!
Well, see you here next month! I’m planning on putting together one of my late husband Gerald’s books as an ebook. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so I can concentrate on this. It’s been too hot to do anything. I’m so glad I got my air conditioner just in time before the heat wave! Another positive note, in our building if someone is vaccinated they don’t have to wear a mask! Woo hoo! But I’m still trying to stay safe! Stay safe and see you next time!
Be sure to check out my blog, The Spiritual Connection, for my recent messages.
A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
430 Water St. Apt. 206
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 479-2473